Photography is the only language that can be understood everywhere in the world.

We are all connected through photographs.

Photography is the only language that can be understood everywhere in the world.

We are all connected through photographs.

新潟県胎内市在住。 1997年生まれ 2016年にnikonの一眼レフを購入、本格的に写真を始める。 デザイン制作会社に就職後はプロの現場で写真撮影と動画撮影を経験。 2023年よりフリーランス活動を開始。人の佇まいや表情に魅力を感じ、 ポートレートを中心に活動。制作会社でのデザイナー経験からPhotoshopやIllustratorを活かしたデザイン制作も得意。写真とデザインの二刀流。お気軽にご相談ください

Hi, I’m Ryuto Ito.
I was born and raised in Murakami, in the countryside of Niigata, Japan. I began pursuing a career in photography after my first a Nikon SLR camera in 2016. I studied graphic design and programming at university, and gained experience in professional photography and videography while working at a design company. I shifted to freelancing in 2023 for the freedom to find my true passion. I’m fascinated by people’s appearance and expressions, and am drawn to portrait photography. In my time at the design company, I learned to use Photoshop and Illustrator, with skills in design as well as photography. I’m enthusiastic to capture and help create memories for people. Feel free to contact me using the form below. Thank you.

新潟県胎内市在住。 1997年生まれ 2016年にnikonの一眼レフを購入、本格的に写真を始める。 デザイン制作会社に就職後はプロの現場で写真撮影と動画撮影を経験。 2023年よりフリーランス活動を開始。人の佇まいや表情に魅力を感じ、 ポートレートを中心に活動。制作会社でのデザイナー経験からPhotoshopやIllustratorを活かしたデザイン制作も得意。写真とデザインの二刀流。お気軽にご相談ください

Hi, I’m Ryuto Ito.
I was born and raised in Murakami, in the countryside of Niigata, Japan. I began pursuing a career in photography after my first a Nikon SLR camera in 2016. I studied graphic design and programming at university, and gained experience in professional photography and videography while working at a design company. I shifted to freelancing in 2023 for the freedom to find my true passion. I’m fascinated by people’s appearance and expressions, and am drawn to portrait photography. In my time at the design company, I learned to use Photoshop and Illustrator, with skills in design as well as photography. I’m enthusiastic to capture and help create memories for people.
Feel free to contact me using the form below.
Thank you.


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